Wednesday 10 November 2010

L.I.I.A.R. of the brief.

Front cover.
Masthead: The Name/ Title of the magazine. This has to be eye catching, and have a memorable effect, on it's audience. This is usually on the left-hand side of the front cover, because of how magazines are stacked on shop shelves.
Cover lines: Usually situated also on the left-hand side on the front cover, usually showing other stories that the magazine is covering, these are worded to sound interesting and to intrigue more readers.
Headline: This is the main story that the magazine is covering. It's also catches the eyes of the audience and entices people to read it.
Picture: This is usually the main subject of the front cover, and is relevant to the headline/main story. This also encourages readers and provokes certain feelings. It also uses iconography, related to the type of magazine it is, such as, being a Music magazine it would normally be what you expect to see on that front cover.
Issue Number:  This is a tally of the number of  music magazines produced, this is found near the date and price.  
Date: The day, month, year the magazine was published.
Price: How much the magazine costs. this is usually relevant to the "Social class" of the target audience.
Bar code: Which is read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Graphical shapes: To highlight certain information, and make them stand out more than other pieces of information.

Contents page.
Contents title: This is the title of the page itself.
Pictures/ images relevant to the stories being covered: These are used to fill up the spaces for a little page and also these are used to entice the readers because they are attractive to their eyes.
Page numbers and what is being covered on that page: this is so the reader will be ale to see
Publisher- Who publishes the magazine
the magazines website.
Who took the pictures in one of the bottom corners.

Double page Spread.
Bold headline.
bold intro paragraph.
full  page article of or interview with the artist.
full page images of the artist.
arrows at end encouraging readers to read on.
date in corner of page along with page number and magazine title.

I think either a medium close up of the artist or a mid shot would be best for the front cover because you're either showing who they are, in the face or what genre they are in terms of their style, which then allows the reader to be able to interpret the magazines genre. However,the contents pages may be more action related shots, or possibly even a close up. The double page spreads, usually have a full A4 size photo of the artist, this is done in different ways, mainly depending the type of image the magazine whats to represent themselves and the artist, and then the photograph of the artist will represent them in that way.

Colour scheme: red, white, blue, black.

Bauer because they have a gap in the market for a more punky magazine.

The message i may try to convey is that of be individual and make your decisions. in 'everyday scenarios" and in political terms also. Be individual to yourself, and a little bit different.

the audience i am hoping to cater for is for 16-25 year old, who are into fashion and who enjoy going to parties, and socializing. Quirky, students, in to old music such as sex pistols and other old punky as well as modern take on this genre.

i want my artists and genre to be represented in an unconventional way, so they are different to all the other magazines out there, because i feel this genre is meant to be presented in this way. This could be taken in both a positive and negative way depending on you're point of you making it a little bit controversial, which is also associated with the genre.

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