Wednesday 9 March 2011

Textual Anaysis' of Contents page.

 The yellow and black writing featuring on the  conents page is consistant with the writing on the front page, indictaing they are the same magazine. and makes the key points stand out, such as the main headlines down the right hand side, catch your eye because of the yellow lettering. The page is very cramped, showing the genre of the music magazine because they genre, rock, is very "in your face" which is portrayed by the amouth on the page and the big picture on the left. It's also stright to the point, because the editors note is very small in the right hand corner, showing that thiis unimportant and the features and main infomation stand out and so they are stright to the point, which again relates to the genre of the magazine.
 the artists eatured ae valued far more than that of the articles and other features in the magazine shows this because the picture f the artists are the dominant feature in the contents page and thus showing their ideology is saying "it's all about the music" and leting the music speak for itself rather than people defining it.

The picture is again the most dominant feature and therefore is enticing you to read that article, and is showing that this issue is mainly about this artist. however another aritst is mentionned but is not photographed but is aso seen as important because your eyes a drawn, first to the picture, showing that this is what they want to draw your attention to and then to the left of the artists head is a box with bold writing, although it does not stant out as much as the black, the fact it is bigger writing draws your attention to it, but because the colour is faint it does not distract you too much from the main artist which is pictured, and has the most colour in the page. The black writing is also continued from the front cover showing it is the same magazine and to reinforce this, there is the magazine logo/name in the top right corner, just to show the continuity between both front cover and contents page.  The colours are ones that you would expect to see in a news paper the red, white and black and the off colour white in the background, furthermore the riting is in columns, suggesting that this magazines audience is that of an older generation, it suggests this because it is the older/middle age generation, that are more likely to read newspapers and therefore by associating the two, it appeals for to that audience.

This contents page does not have the conventional "contents" title for this contents page, instead it is "this week" showing that thi sis a far more informal magazine, along with the type of paper it is printed on, which is like the paper you get in a newspaper. They also have the magazine name and logo in the top left corner. The page is also set out in columns and uses the red, black and white, which is conventional of a newspaper and newspaper's are usually cheap and affordable, and beings you that latest news, suggesting this is the students newspaper, because all the students care about is new music. They have a band index, of all the bands that feature in this weeks magazine, and so making it easier for people to look through who features and finding their favourite bands easily. It breaks conventions because there is not a editors note, instead they have almost a short article, on the contents page, suggesting that the content speaks for itself and that the magazine is overloaded with content, that they needed to put a little article on the contents page, suggesting if you want to know all about music. this is the magazine because it's full of infomation about the lastest bands.

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