Thursday 7 April 2011

Textual anaylsis' of Double Page Spreads.

 The pictures goes over into the second page with the wrinting, to show continuity of the two pages and furthermore the centre fold has been taken into account. There is also a link with the page title and the picture, because she is sat in what looks like an american flag and then there is USA behind her, showing the link between the picture and the article. She is dressed in black leather and has very high heels, which is possibly to insinuate power, and domination, which again shows what the article is about, because we can then assume that thi sartist is trying to break into America, and it's all about how and when she is going to do that. In addition to this her expression and pose, is powerful in a sexual way, which is power, because sensuality can be used to get somewhere in today's society, or so it is seen. Furthermore, could suggest she is going to "steal" the hearts of the American people because she is a beautiful, strong women in her own right. The title also directly links to her and her career because it is a line from one of her songs, so if you did not know who she was you might after reading that because it is a song that made her well known in the UK.

This double page is not as continuous because the writing is on one side and the picture on another, The only thing that links them is the banner along the top which goes from left to right. The name of the artist, Pink, stands alone on the left hand page, showing that she is in a league of her own, and she is the one and only, and the fact her picture is seperate from her name and article, suggests that she doe not need an introduction, because she is a one and only and everyone knows who she is, by just her name or even just her picture. The lay out is actually quite simple and classic, suggesting that she is a classic, which could suggest she has been in the business in a long time or maybe just that she is all about the music being striped bare of everything, and being enjoyed by their fans.

This double page spread, stright away suggests that it is all about the music because they have a picture of the artist doing what she is famous for, singing, suggesting that their magazine is in fact all about the music and supporting those in music, also they have a smaller p[icture, of the whole band, the fact that this picture is smaller suggests that the rest of the band is not important but she is the main person they are interested in, and possibly she is the most dominant one in the group. This is possible because she is the lead singer of this band. They have chosen to name this double page, not a title but a quote from the interview, showing that they do not need to be inroduced because they speak for themselves, or that they are so big in this genre, that they do not need to be named because she will instantly be recognised. The news in the top left is the same font as the one in which the quote is writen in, showing continuity of the two pages, furthermore the picture also is the back ground for the writing on the right hand side, again showing that these two pages go together and the writing explains the picture.

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