Friday 8 April 2011

First Drafts.

I like My front cover howerever I do not like the barcode, because it is unprofssional and messy furthermore it cannot be seen in the shadow, and I feel that the writing underneth the main headline and the main headline need to be slightly bigger and possibly bolder, just to empthasise the main story.

The page numbers need to just be one number. There needs to be two columns- Features and regulars. The editiors note needs to be top right and take up less room. The title is not the same as the front covers, and think that it should actually be more like the title on my double page spread, rather than what it is like on the front cover. There also needs a subcrition option. The picture needs to move and be placed somewhere else and with more orignal images.

This need to have more continuality with the two pages, rather than two seperate pages. The page needs to be numbered and there needs to be only one picture rather than 3.However  I like the style of the actual article page.

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