Thursday 7 April 2011

My music magazine final idea.

My genre is Indie.
Old style with a modern egde to it, which means is very much orientated around fashion, and the music plays a part in that fashion culture. or example, slim fit jeans are often worn with a messy haired look, because this is the style of dress which accompanies this type off music genre. The music that is usually involved, is guitar orientated, and are alternative sounding, meaning that have their own sound and are focused around live music, and concerts because it is about the talent not the making of money. it's always about new music, and so NME are probably the closest to this genre as it always promotes the newest music. The poses on such magazines are often original, and not conventional, and are made so that they seen to be a little bit ecsentric and different.

My target audience
Female students 16- 24, who are into the lastest fashion and trends and like to attend live music festivals and gigs, and value music as a part of their whole image, and feel that most mainstream music magazines are focused mainly for male audiences and make the female artists pose in a sexual pose for their purpose, detracting away from the music.

My Ideology
That my magazine is all about the music and fashion scenes surrounding this music genre, and that women who feel passionately about music should not feel uncomfortable, when buying a music magazine. hat the music you listen to is part of your style and who you are.

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