Wednesday 6 October 2010

Conventions of a College magazine.

Masthead: The Name/ Title of the magazine. This has to be eye catching, and have a memorable effect, on it's audience.

Cover lines: Usually situated on the top of the front cover, stated other stories that the magazine is covering.

Headline: This is the main story that the magazine is covering. It's also catches the eyes of the audience and entices people to read it.

Picture: This is situated in the middle of the front cover, and is relevant to the headline/main story. This also encourages readers and provokes certain feelings. It also uses iconography, related to the type of magazine it is, such as, being a college magazine it would normally be what you expect to see on that front cover.

Issue Number:  This is a tally of the number of magazines, this is found near the date and price.  

Date: The day, month, year the magazine was published.

Price: How much the magazine costs.

Barcode: Which is read electronically and decoded into usable infomation.

Graphical shapes: To highlight certain infomation.

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