Friday 22 October 2010


My text uses the traditional conventions of a front cover, such as masthead, and so on, however on the stand, where my model is stood behind, I made the writing look as though they are gold lettering upon the wooden stand, rather than been added on Photo shop. I feel the text uses appropriate colours, and I also feel that it is appropriate for my target audience. However, the main feature was inspired by a current educational magazine, this decreases my texts originality.

I think that my main product, although a little off centre and not of good quality, is of right size and is relevant to my main feature, I think that the colours i chose worked well because they stand out in their own right, and the main feature anchorage, looks as though it is part of the image, creating a "life like" impression. I also feel that it appeals to my target audience, because it is not all one colour and on two separate occasions on my text, effects were used which make my magazine more attractive. However, with this considered, I feel that my product lacks, something about it. I feel that it is a little bland although I have tried to make it slightly more edgy and modern. I also feel that it lacks professionalism, and looks as though it has not been executed very well.

I used photo shop to create my text, this is a photo editing programme. I found using photo shop slightly complicatd  however the more I use it, the easier it is becoming. I used the web and existing magazines to build up my research, on existing texts. I also used the web to type up all my work, on to this blog. I found that using the web and magazines, were a lot easier than using Photo shop. Another programme I used to create my mock-up of a contents page, this too was particularly easier than using the web, and Photo shop.

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