Wednesday 8 December 2010

Textual Analysis' Of Front Covers.

Language: The camera shot is a long shot and has a neutral camera angle. This draws in the the reader because the artist is looking at the camera, which is engaging the reader. This as a two part front cover, and the colour scheme was red and blue, almost to signify the rivalry of the two bands. Both images have a blue and red tinge to their colour this enhances the colour scheme and also emphasises the coloured corner, so to speak, as this issue is "old school" vs. "new school". Also they have highlighted the other acts that they are talking about/ featuring so they stand out, also, yet the main headline is muse, which takes up almost a third of the cover. The "red" cover the artist, U2, was dressed in more casual way, as if in a classic rock and roll dress, with their checked shirts and hats, and shades. This could signify they are comfortable, with their music career, as they are going for a while, and they do not need to make the "effort" because they are loved anyway or alternatively they do not need to "play by the rules". However this side of the cover, they are dressed in smarter clothes showing that they are new and almost do things "by the book" and that they want to make a good impression because they are new to the music industry. These costume choice could also show the contrast between the two artists. The front cover was in two parts, showing both corners but alternatively it could symbol breaking of cponventions, as like  a breaking of rules, showing that "the gloves are off", between the battle of the two bands.

Ideology:  The ideology of this front cover, is "old school" vs. "new school", and how the genre has evolved since the when U2 were around, and making music, it suggests this because of the two styles of dress, muse are in blazers, whereas U2 are more dressed down, showing two different interpretations of "cool", appealing to more people. It's also joining young and older age groups together, and encouraging them to possibly broaden their music choices.

Institution:  They want to be seen as ane to provide for a range of generation, who are interested and inspired by rock music, however, the magazine front cover makes the industry as being a competition because of the new rock bands who are taking over, this is because the magazine is for the classic rock, with previous front covers and so by making it seem as a competition, they are portraying a difference within new rock and classic rock.

Audience: This particular issue of Q is appealing to both the older generations and modern generations, by choosing two bands who are well known by the two different generations of people. Also the audience is clearly for those who are interested in rock, and festivals because than feature that includes the two bands, is who's going to be more of a success at Glastonbury.

Representation: Muse, seem to be represented more as gentlemen than U2, this could be that they are new on the seen than U2, and so U2 are more relaxed, maybe that's to show the length of time each band have been in the industry, U2 being in the industry for a long time, are complacent and are also going to have a more relaxed approach because they have many many fans, whereas Muse have to work harder still being a more recent band, and they are still quite professional in how they are making their music. However, in alternation to this, it is representing both of their eras, so to speak, because their clothing are suited to when they came into the industry, because Muse are wearing more skinny fitting trousers/jeans, which is the modern style, that is followed by young people today. Furthermore they are wearing jackets, again showing their gentlemanly side, which could attract a wider audience of both young and older. Whereas U2's costumes are much classic look, with the front man, Bono, sporting sunglasses, and leather jacket, along with casual jeans and trainers, these are back in the day what would have been worn, however they are modernized, however keeping the same principles of theclassic dress down rock look.

Language: Lily Allen is dressed in bright flowery colours, which show a feminine side to her personality and her angel curled hair reinforces this and gives her an innocent look however, it us contrasted by her being dressed with a provocative twist because her top is revealing her cleavage and she is wearing very short shorts, This type of dress appeals to both men and women because men are attracted to her and women want to be her because she has the sex appeal women want to achieve. Furthermore the colours are stopped just below her bust line, which is the most feminine part of the the women body, this shows that Lily Allen is trying to achieve a more shocking style, because he bottom half is plain and bland, which was her style before she "revamped" herself, pushing the idea of change because she wouldn't normally wear this outfit, making her fans want to read the magazine because they want to see,  her new look. Similarly, this isn't the kind of outfit you would wear to go out in usually, so it shows that she is making a bold statement. The colouring behind her makes the colours of her headdress and the bold, black font used for the mastheads, and main articles, makes them stand out and therefore catch your eye, making you want to read it. yet the catch lines underneath the mastheads, are white which is harder to see on the background, this colour could be chosen because they are not as important and therefore do not need to be seen far away, following on from that, if the magazine has grabbed your attention you are going to be looking at it up close and therefore able to read the catch lines in white. This could link back to Lily Allen, because white represents her "innocent" side and the black representing her "darker" side, and showing the the "darker" side is more dominant than the "innocent" because the black writing is bigger and bolder.

Ideology: I believe that the ideology of this is appealing to the younger generation, because it's talking about drinking, and partying, and along with the outlandish fashion sense, which young people would identify with because of being into the fashion industry and seeing that floral is in fashion at the time, and also many designer clothes are made so that they are unique and not necessarily something that the public would wear on a day to day basis.

Institution:  Spin, want to be seen as individual, this is shown by the breaking of conventions because the front cover is very busy, and cramped, which is unusual because it can be hard to read, yet they've chosen to do this to make them be different to the other music magazines. Also by using a well known artist and making her not look the same as she has done, because again they want to be different to the rest of the other magazines they would be in competition with.

Audience: The target audience of this magazine is young people who are young and are alternative in their music and fashion sense. Who are aged I would say, between 16-25 year old, who are usually students. Possibly they attend festivals regularly, because of the type of bands/ singers that feature on the magazine, usually play in festivals like Glastonbury, such as; artists like Lily Allen who have been known to play at Glastonbury in previous or current years.

Representation: She's represented as a party girl, who breaks the rules, and is a  little provocative, this could suggest personal change, like the transition from a young girl to more of a grown woman, this represents her the same as she wants to represent her music because she is changing her style and therefore her music, and therefore he target audience. Yet she is still holding onto her younger years because she still wears flowers and has angel curls, but this relates to her younger audience as being in between a woman and a girl, as many of the readers will  be.  She's represented as being in control of her music as well as being in control of her individuality, and proud of her new found identity and is embracing it to her advantage, which again relates to her teenage readers, showing that you should be proud of your individuality. Representing her as being emphasising with the teenage generation.

Language: The Front man of arcade fire is the one holding the phone, which suggests he's the one in control and who makes all the decision for the group, and him holding the phone is easier to identify him in such a role. the sepia tone on the picture, relates to the band and magazines genre because this is commonly associated with indie music, because they are inspired by older decades and this ages the magazine. The band are standing very close together showing unity between them.  Their costume is casual and relaxed, which represents their genre because in the genre of indie it's about being yourself and not something you are not so they are dressed in a way that says to the reader they are comfortable with themselves, their music, and their look. The majority of the band are wearing blue to show royalty, presenting them as the new kings of the indie genre. The name of the band, arcade fire, is in white, which is different to the main artist on the previous spin magazine I analysed, I have interpreted this as the band being "white hot" because they are new on the indie seen and are the next big thing, and also this relates to the bands name and the headline, because of the play on words with fire. There is also a link with the telephone and the catch line using 411, because that is  an advice line in the USA, suggesting that they are advising the reader to listen to this band, because they are so good, supposedly.

Ideology:  They want to come across as being individual and that individuality is important, because of how they have chosen to represent arcade fire. Young people would also identify with this as the previous spin magazine, because it is using a dress style and genre that are well known, and a band that would be known by those who are following this band, because older generations may not have any idea who this band is, yet it is more likely, teenagers/students, will know being into their music more, making the magazine seem trendy.

Institution: Spin want to be seen as individual, as breaking the rules, they do this because they band is not dressed up and they would usually be in a photoshoot, and also they use a sepia effect on the front cover which is not normally used for a front cover. Furthermore, they want to be seen as breaking converntions because the front cover is longer than the traditional front covers.

Audience: The audience of this magazine I would say, are around the ages of 16-25. I think this because they are using new and popular bands, like arcade fire. It is also for those who are into fashion and going to concerts and live gigs, because indie music is about playing live and at festivals, so it is more than likely that they will regularly attend big festivals.

Representation:  The band, is being represented as a close band, who are set to be the next big indie act of this year. So they are being represented in a positive way, with the colours blue representing royalty, and saying they are "indie's biggest band" they are then making people want to listen to them and to be like them because, they are saying these people are cool, and great you should want to be like them.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

L.I.I.A.R. of the brief.

Front cover.
Masthead: The Name/ Title of the magazine. This has to be eye catching, and have a memorable effect, on it's audience. This is usually on the left-hand side of the front cover, because of how magazines are stacked on shop shelves.
Cover lines: Usually situated also on the left-hand side on the front cover, usually showing other stories that the magazine is covering, these are worded to sound interesting and to intrigue more readers.
Headline: This is the main story that the magazine is covering. It's also catches the eyes of the audience and entices people to read it.
Picture: This is usually the main subject of the front cover, and is relevant to the headline/main story. This also encourages readers and provokes certain feelings. It also uses iconography, related to the type of magazine it is, such as, being a Music magazine it would normally be what you expect to see on that front cover.
Issue Number:  This is a tally of the number of  music magazines produced, this is found near the date and price.  
Date: The day, month, year the magazine was published.
Price: How much the magazine costs. this is usually relevant to the "Social class" of the target audience.
Bar code: Which is read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Graphical shapes: To highlight certain information, and make them stand out more than other pieces of information.

Contents page.
Contents title: This is the title of the page itself.
Pictures/ images relevant to the stories being covered: These are used to fill up the spaces for a little page and also these are used to entice the readers because they are attractive to their eyes.
Page numbers and what is being covered on that page: this is so the reader will be ale to see
Publisher- Who publishes the magazine
the magazines website.
Who took the pictures in one of the bottom corners.

Double page Spread.
Bold headline.
bold intro paragraph.
full  page article of or interview with the artist.
full page images of the artist.
arrows at end encouraging readers to read on.
date in corner of page along with page number and magazine title.

I think either a medium close up of the artist or a mid shot would be best for the front cover because you're either showing who they are, in the face or what genre they are in terms of their style, which then allows the reader to be able to interpret the magazines genre. However,the contents pages may be more action related shots, or possibly even a close up. The double page spreads, usually have a full A4 size photo of the artist, this is done in different ways, mainly depending the type of image the magazine whats to represent themselves and the artist, and then the photograph of the artist will represent them in that way.

Colour scheme: red, white, blue, black.

Bauer because they have a gap in the market for a more punky magazine.

The message i may try to convey is that of be individual and make your decisions. in 'everyday scenarios" and in political terms also. Be individual to yourself, and a little bit different.

the audience i am hoping to cater for is for 16-25 year old, who are into fashion and who enjoy going to parties, and socializing. Quirky, students, in to old music such as sex pistols and other old punky as well as modern take on this genre.

i want my artists and genre to be represented in an unconventional way, so they are different to all the other magazines out there, because i feel this genre is meant to be presented in this way. This could be taken in both a positive and negative way depending on you're point of you making it a little bit controversial, which is also associated with the genre.

The Brief for main task

The front page, contents, and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text must be original, produced by you. Minimum of 4 images.

Friday 22 October 2010


My text uses the traditional conventions of a front cover, such as masthead, and so on, however on the stand, where my model is stood behind, I made the writing look as though they are gold lettering upon the wooden stand, rather than been added on Photo shop. I feel the text uses appropriate colours, and I also feel that it is appropriate for my target audience. However, the main feature was inspired by a current educational magazine, this decreases my texts originality.

I think that my main product, although a little off centre and not of good quality, is of right size and is relevant to my main feature, I think that the colours i chose worked well because they stand out in their own right, and the main feature anchorage, looks as though it is part of the image, creating a "life like" impression. I also feel that it appeals to my target audience, because it is not all one colour and on two separate occasions on my text, effects were used which make my magazine more attractive. However, with this considered, I feel that my product lacks, something about it. I feel that it is a little bland although I have tried to make it slightly more edgy and modern. I also feel that it lacks professionalism, and looks as though it has not been executed very well.

I used photo shop to create my text, this is a photo editing programme. I found using photo shop slightly complicatd  however the more I use it, the easier it is becoming. I used the web and existing magazines to build up my research, on existing texts. I also used the web to type up all my work, on to this blog. I found that using the web and magazines, were a lot easier than using Photo shop. Another programme I used to create my mock-up of a contents page, this too was particularly easier than using the web, and Photo shop.

Contents mock-up

Final Front cover.

Thursday 21 October 2010


  • Sport captain intervew.
  • School/Form representatives
  • Whats wyke like?
  • Happy
  • Mid sentence
  • Female
  • Standing behind lecturers stand
  • Centre mid shot
  • In smart clothes
  • In casual clothes
  • The Wyke stuff
  • Asylum
  • Echo
  •  Be in the know.
  • Read the hype.
  • Tutor rep elections
  • Secondary teachers magazine
  • 16-19 year old college students at Wyke.

Monday 18 October 2010

L.I.I.A.R. of College Magazine 2

Language: Again the colours in this text are bright, and are also bright on the actual model, this draws attention to her, which compliments nicely with the main cover line, because it is about being noticed and letting them have their say. also having the banners up, and difference colours behind her, being her out because she is in a deep red jumper. Using yellow and green together, creates a contrast, making the rosette on her left shoulder stand out further. This also attracts attention as the colours are so shocking, which appeals to the reader. Also the girl is brown haired, as they have not used a  blond haired girl, shows they are stereotyping, suggesting that brunettes are more intellectual than those with blond hair.

Institution: The institution are wanting to show that they support having school councils, and letting children have their say, about schools.

Ideology: The ideology if this text is to show that children do in many way have power, and are able to voice their opinions. Furthermore to try and show teachers that by having a "mock election" you are in fact encouraging that child to become interested in politics. So they are wanting to show positivity, about this subject, and persuade teachers that this is a good thing, and they too should agree with this practice.

Audience: This magazines target audience is young, modern teachers. The reason for this is because they are using modern TV shows as a  play on words, which a younger, more modern teacher may be more likely to be aware of, and enjoy such a programme as opposed to a teacher of an older generation.

Representation: The model on this text is represented in a smart way, due to the way she has been dressed, notice that her tie is all the way to the top of her neck, showing that she is smart and representing her school in a good fashion. Also she has a smile on her face, to signify her enjoyment of what she is doing. finally, the model is standing tall, and seems to fill up most of the text's space, showing power and dominance, although being a child, this is how she is being represented, she is almost looking down on the reader, suggesting that she has control, however this image is made softer by the fact that the model is smiling.

Thursday 7 October 2010

L.I.I.A.R. of College Magazine 1

Language: The magazine uses bright colours, to catch attention, but not only that it represents youth, which relating to a school, works well. Having the model in school uniform is relevant to the magazines purpose and audience. Furthermore using the blue on the green jumper contrasts, which in turn will make the text stand out to the reader more than it would normally. They have given the model joke glasses and an inflatable microphone, which are of a humorous nature, this shows that the magazine is not to serious, making it more fun and appealing to it's readers. However even though they have portrayed her in a humorous way, she is also dressed smartly, for example the tie is to her neck and not how many teenagers would wear them these days, not pulled up properly. Using the white background brings out the main parts of the front cover such as the model, magazine name, etc. The bright blues of the magazine name and the masthead, also can be interpreted as fun, which is linked with youth.

Institution: The institution who produce this magazine, obviously do not want schools to be represented in a negative way, so they so they have decided to, use humorous props, to create more of an entertaining image rather than the boring, stereotypical image many people have of schools. This is clearly shown through the model's facial expression and the props used along side her, as they are symbols for fun and laughter.

Ideology: The idea behind this front cover was the was to create a entertaining image for the magazine and also to create more of a relaxed and welcoming environment about schools, rather than the dull, unwelcoming image many children and possibly other people may have. The way they have represented it reaches out to it's target audience, it does this because by creating this fun-loving front cover, it appeals to those teachers who love to teach, and enjoy their job.

Audience: This magazines target audience is young, modern teachers. The reason for this is because they are giving the impression of fun and lenience, which a younger, more modern teacher may be more likely to be. Instead of an older teacher, mainly because they are traditional and therefore, take a more serious and strict approach to the children, and this magazine is evidently not promoting this style of teaching method.

Representation: The model in this text is smiley, which suggests that school is not the bore many children believe it to be. Also the props she is photographed with, give a light heartiness surrounding them, which in turn represents positivity. In this photo there are no signs of negativity, which shows that they are mediating the text, to suggest to the target audience, that there is not any negativity within schools. Even though the female in this picture, is the main image on the text, she does not dominate the text, because as a school child she has little, or no power within school, so this suggests to the reader, that she is not a dominant figure and that although she is on the front cover, she is still in fact a pupil.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Conventions of a College magazine.

Masthead: The Name/ Title of the magazine. This has to be eye catching, and have a memorable effect, on it's audience.

Cover lines: Usually situated on the top of the front cover, stated other stories that the magazine is covering.

Headline: This is the main story that the magazine is covering. It's also catches the eyes of the audience and entices people to read it.

Picture: This is situated in the middle of the front cover, and is relevant to the headline/main story. This also encourages readers and provokes certain feelings. It also uses iconography, related to the type of magazine it is, such as, being a college magazine it would normally be what you expect to see on that front cover.

Issue Number:  This is a tally of the number of magazines, this is found near the date and price.  

Date: The day, month, year the magazine was published.

Price: How much the magazine costs.

Barcode: Which is read electronically and decoded into usable infomation.

Graphical shapes: To highlight certain infomation.

Brief for Preliminary Exercise.

Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a college/school magazine, featuring a photograph of a student medium close-up, plus some appropriately laid-out text and masthead. Addtionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.